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Parent Testimonials

"Dan's energy for junior golf is seemingly endless and, despite a very full schedule, finds ways to be there for his students when they need him.  Importantly, Dan helps his students become not only better players but also better citizens.  He brings tremendous character and integrity to everything he does and is a great role model to junior golfers."

Michael Biwer


Dr. Randall and Sally Stitt

"Dan Martin has been vital to the success of our son. David started taking golf lessons with Dan in 2002 at the age of seven.    Dan has taught him not only the technical and mental aspects of golf to become a successful Toyota Tour Cup player/high school golfer, but he has also given him the skills be a confident and respectful young man.   Dan is currently working with David to hone his golf skills to prepare him for college golf." 

Shawn Devine

"I have known Dan Martin for the past 2 years from the Rustic Canyon Golf Club.  Dan is currently my daughter's golf coach.  My daughter Taylor Devine started golfing with Dan when she was 8yrs old.  Taylor has greatly benefited from Dan mentoring her golf game on a weekly basis. Taylor would not be the golfer she is today without Dan's philosophy, wisdom and the love of the game."

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